Blog EasyTelling

O que é a tradução do conhecimento?

Conecte seu site aos aplicativos mais populares por aí.

How artificial intelligence can help the researcher

Adicione efeitos com apenas alguns cliques e capte a atenção do seu público quando eles acessarem o seu website.

P&D para startups e pequenas empresas: custo ou investimento?

Projete seu site em um canvas familiar e de forma livre. Configure visualmente seus pontos de quebra para torná-lo responsivo.

It's time to improve your product

Estruture visualmente suas páginas e vincule-as facilmente.

Transform science into new products

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Blog Easytelling

Blue Flower
Blue Flower

Starting and Growing a Career in Web Design

Starting and Growing a Career in Web Design

April 8, 2022

Blue Flower
Blue Flower
Teal Flower
Teal Flower

Create a Landing Page That Performs Great

Create a Landing Page That Performs Great

March 15, 2022

Teal Flower
Teal Flower
Pink Flower
Pink Flower

How Can Designers Prepare for the Future?

How Can Designers Prepare for the Future?

February 28, 2022

Pink Flower
Pink Flower
Yellow Flower
Yellow Flower

Building a Navigation Component with Variables

Building a Navigation Component with Variables

February 6, 2022

Yellow Flower
Yellow Flower
Purple Flower
Purple Flower

How to Create an Effective Design Portfolio

How to Create an Effective Design Portfolio

January 12, 2022

Purple Flower
Purple Flower