your R&D as a Service platform
200 million articles
A rich and qualified database for our AI to search for solutions
R&D at a fraction of your team's cost
Improve your product, discover new material uses and opportunities more efficiently, accelerating R&D processes
AI specialized in knowledge translation and application
Our algorithm is trained with the best parameters for systematic review and knowledge translation to extract the most robust evidence from scientific articles, providing customized recommendations on how to apply them to your needs
Latent knowledge
A platform that identifies specific research applications for your challenge or the future of your product
AI to refine your request
AI to search for the best scientific articles
AI to transform research into real-world applications
How does EasyTelling's AI work?
How can EasyTelling help me solve an R&D challenge, improve, or create a product?
What is Knowledge Translation?
How did systematic review become a differentiator for EasyTelling?